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Consumer API

This method gets the reviews written by the individual consumer.

Authentication: API Key
consumerId, Required String
The id of the consumer.
Example: …/v1/consumers/507f191e810c19729de860ea/reviews

stars, Optional Array
Filter by reviews with a specific number of stars.
Constraints: The allowed range is minimum: 1, maximum: 5
Example: ?stars=5

language, Optional Array
Filter by reviews with only a specific language.
Example: ?language=en

internalLocationId, Optional String
Filter by reviews with only a specific location.
Example: ?internalLocationId=f994ac75-2f51-456a-9be9-ec30eadae778

businessUnitId, Optional String
Filter reviews for a specific business unit.
Example: ?businessUnitId=507f191e810c19729de860ea

page, Optional Integer
The page to retrieve. If the page number requested is higher than the available number of pages an empty array will be returned.
Constraints: The allowed range is minimum: 1, maximum: 2147483647
Default value: 1
Example: ?page=1

perPage, Optional Integer
The number of reviews to retrieve per page.
Constraints: The allowed range is minimum: 1, maximum: 100
Default value: 20
Example: ?perPage=3

orderBy, Optional Array
The order in which the results should be sorted.
Default value: [ "createdat.desc" ]
Example: ?orderBy=createdat.asc

includeReportedReviews, Optional Boolean
Include reported reviews.
Default value: false
Example: ?includeReportedReviews=true

  "reviews": [
      "status": "active",
      "reportData": {
        "source": "Trustpilot",
        "publicComment": "This review contains sensitive information.",
        "createdAt": "2013-09-07T13:37:00",
        "reasons": [
        "reason": "consumer_is_competitor",
        "reviewVisibility": "hidden"
      "language": "da",
      "links": [
          "href": "<Url for the resource>",
          "method": "<Http method for the resource>",
          "rel": "<Description of the relation>"
      "title": "My review",
      "businessUnit": {
        "identifyingName": "trustpilot.com",
        "displayName": "Trustpilot",
        "id": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
        "links": [
            "href": "<Url for the resource>",
            "method": "<Http method for the resource>",
            "rel": "<Description of the relation>"
      "location": {
        "id": "43f51215-a1fc-4c60-b6dd-e4afb6d7b831",
        "name": "Pilestraede 58",
        "urlFormattedName": "Pilestraede58"
      "text": "This shop is great.",
      "companyReply": {
        "text": "This is our reply.",
        "createdAt": "2013-09-07T13:37:00",
        "updatedAt": "2013-09-07T13:37:00"
      "isVerified": true,
      "stars": 5,
      "experiencedAt": "2013-09-07T13:37:00",
      "updatedAt": "2013-09-07T13:37:00",
      "numberOfLikes": 10,
      "consumer": {
        "displayLocation": "Frederiksberg, DK",
        "numberOfReviews": 1,
        "displayName": "John Doe",
        "id": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
        "links": [
            "href": "<Url for the resource>",
            "method": "<Http method for the resource>",
            "rel": "<Description of the relation>"
      "id": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
      "createdAt": "2013-09-07T13:37:00",
      "countsTowardsTrustScore": false,
      "countsTowardsLocationTrustScore": false,
      "invitation": {
        "businessUnitId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea"
      "businessUnitHistory": [
          "businessUnitId": "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
          "identifyingName": "example.com",
          "displayName": "Example Inc.",
          "changeDate": "2013-09-07T13:37:00"
      "reviewVerificationLevel": "invited",
      "complianceLabels": [
  "links": [
      "href": "<Url for the resource>",
      "method": "<Http method for the resource>",
      "rel": "<Description of the relation>"